Lesley Neve
- Position: X-ray Technician
- Areas of expertise: XRD and XRF analysis
- Email: L.A.Neve@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 5226
- Location: 8.126 School of Earth and Environment
I manage the Schools X-ray Facility which includes;
- XRD – Bruker D8
- XRF – Rigaku ZSX Primus II
- pXRF – Olympus X-5000
I carry out Phase identification and Quantification XRD, mainly on inorganic powder samples. Scan parameters can be tailored to requirements of the user. I carry out elemental analysis by XRF, the analysis is either quantitative or semi quantitative dependant on the instrument used.
- BSc (Chemistry)
- MSc (Geochemistry)