‘Food on Film’: Community-led film making in the context of Bradford food sustainability

person faces away from camera holding a film recorder on a city street

How can we talk about food, health, and sustainability in a meaningful way? What tools do we need and who needs to be part of these conversations? This project, led by Rory Padfield (Sustainability Research Institute) and in partnership with Bradford Council, aimed to train Bradford based community-run organisations in participatory film-making and critical sustainability storytelling. The result is five unique and powerful documentary-style films on food sustainability themes produced by the five organisations involved in the project. 


Catholic Care

Eyarun Nessa

Feeding Bradford and Keighley

Horton Community Farm

Inn Churches



The community groups have all produced a film about a food sustainability issue important to their own organisation. These films are being screened in Bradford a different events and venues to share with varied audiences these pressing concerns and issues. For example, the films will be screened as part of the Bradford Science Festival in the Autumn 2025. Furthermore, the community groups are all trained in participatory film-making and critical sustainability storytelling which can be used for the production of future films and/or support other organisations create their own films. 

Project website
