Transforming essential provision systems through eco-social corridors (HABITATION-CORRIDORS)

Funder: Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) | FFG

HABITATION-CORRIDORS explores sufficiency-oriented policy and planning instruments at the interface between housing and mobility to combine social and ecological objectives. The following research goals are pursued: A multi-level analysis of economic and institutional structures provides insights into the current provision of housing and mobility in Austria. This is followed by a systematization of sufficiency-oriented policy and planning instruments in the field of housing and mobility based on existing scientific assessments, democratic deliberations (Austrian Climate Council), and political practice. This systematization informs the stakeholder process, which develops 10 concrete policy and planning instruments from a feminist perspective. The results are quantified through dynamic biophysical modelling, focusing on potentials, limits, and trade-offs between the instruments. In addition, a selection of the instruments developed in the stakeholder process will be further examined regarding the necessary changes in the current economic and institutional framework conditions on one hand and the barriers and potentials as part of a qualitative policy analysis on the other.