
Results 1 to 5 of 11 in all schools for lgbt

Researchers sat on a curved bench in a lecture theatre, pictured from behind

The School of Food Science and Nutrition hosted industry and academic experts from around the world to collaborate on cutting-edge food research and innovation.

Someone playing Fifa seen from behind. A bisexual pride flag is under the screen and a progress pride flag is behind it.

Queering Climate Change, an initiative fostering safer spaces for LGBTQ+ and marginalised voices in climate justice, held interactive "Gaming for the Planet" events last week.

A digital illustration with the comic-style heading

The School of Geography LGBTQ+ Students’ Group marked the International Day of Transgender Visibility with members of Sanggar Seroja, a collective of transgender women based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Martin Zebracki leaning his elbows on a platform, smiling.

Researchers are creating a toolkit that peers can use to ensure fieldwork is more inclusive, diverse and equitable for LGBTQ+ people.

The back of a child's head as he sits in a classroom facing the teacher who is stood in front of a whiteboard.

Professor Robert Vanderbeck’s research helps teachers to grow their confidence in providing LGBT+ inclusive education, which is essential for the equality and safety of pupils.