Kexin Qiu

Kexin Qiu


I am a PhD student in the Institute of Climate and Atmosp heric Science and my research is funded as part of the EPSRC Aerosol Science CDT with Met Oce as the CASE partner. My project aims to provide robust estimates for t he climate impact of aviation caused by aerosol-cloud int eractions, the climate forcing term that is currently absent from assessments of aviation climate impact. I have a BSc in Earth Sciences and an MSc in Climate Ch ange from University College London. For my MSc projec t, I investigated the air pollution from global civil aviation and its impact on climate. During the rst year of my PhD, I spent 7 months at the University of Bristol for training in Core Aerosol Science, R esearch Methods, and Professionalism and Translation. I t hen started a 3-month research project at Imperial Colleg e London in the Centre for Transport Engineering and Mo delling to develop aviation aerosol emission inventories.

Research interests

  • Aerosol-Cloud Interaction
  • Radiative Forcing of Aerosols
  • Climate Modelling – Met Office Unied Model


  • MSc Climate Change, University College London
  • BSc Earth Sciences, University College London