Chiara Krewer
- Email: eecfk@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: A Phosphorus Control on Oceanic Anoxic Events under Greenhouse Climate?
- Supervisor: Professor Simon Poulton, Dr Robert Newton, Dr Benjamin Mills, Dr Christian Maerz
I am a first year PhD student in the Earth Surface Science Institute (ESSI) in the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds. I am funded by NERC Panorama Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP).
I graduated from the University of Cologne (Germany) with BSc in Geoscience in 2017 followed by an MSc in Geoscience with a specialisation in Geochemistry and Earth Surface Processes in 2020. The course of study in Cologne allowed me to put emphasis on marine geochemistry and the development of the atmosphere and oceans during Earths history. My master thesis project involved investigating the biogeochemical cycling of Fe isotopes in an anoxic, ferruginous (iron-rich) lake in Spain.
Research interests
My PhD project investigates the behaviour of phosphorous on changing redox conditions in shallow and deep water environments during Ocean Anoxic Events (OAE) in the Cretaceous, mostly concentrating on OAE2 and OAE3.
- BSc Geo Science, University of Cologne, Germany
- MSc Geo Science, University of Cologne, Germany
Research groups and institutes
- Earth Surface Science Institute
- Cohen Geochemistry
- Palaeo@Leeds