Natalie Forrest
- Email: eenlef@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: The dynamics of dip-slip faulting across multiple timescales
- Supervisors: Dr Tim Craig, Dr Laura Gregory, Prof Tim Wright, Dr Ekbal Hussain (BGS), Dr Alex Copley (University of Cambridge)
I began my PhD in October 2021, and I am jointly funded by COMET and the BGS. The project aim is to understand factors which control the behaviour of dip-slip faults across a range of timescales, from individual stages of the earthquake cycle, to their geological evolution over millions of years. This aim will be executed through analysis of geological and geophysical datasets, and subsequent geodynamical models. I have focused on normal-faulting earthquakes in Greece and Turkey, and aim to measure their coseismic and postseismic deformation using primarily GPS & InSAR.
My Master’s research project involved analysing geodetic and seismological data from a pair of continental normal-faulting earthquakes in Japan. Both earthquakes intriguingly ruptured with a magnitude six on the same fault plane, 6 years apart, following the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Mw 9 earthquake. This was the first known example of a whole earthquake cycle being captured by remote sensing techniques. I discussed my research in a BlueSci article, and the work has recently been accepted for publication by Geophysical Journal International here.
Twitter: @FaultInOurScarp
Research interests
- Geodesy (InSAR & GPS)
- Active tectonic deformation
- Fault mechanics
- The seismic cycle
- Normal faults
- BA & MSci Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge
Research groups and institutes
- Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics