Zihong Chen
- Email: eezch@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Emissions trading systems and low-carbon and zero-carbon technology innovation
- Supervisors: Professor Jouni Paavola, Dr Paul Brockway, Dr Sheridan Few
I am a PhD student in the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds. I am interested in investigating the economic issues associated with climate change and carbon neutrality using quantitative research techniques.
I worked as a research assistant at the Energy Policy Research Centre, China Energy Research Society during my Master's degree, researching China's new power system and energy transition policy.
I completed a Master's degree in Economics from Beijing Normal University in 2023, focusing on China's carbon emission trading market, and completed a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Northwest University of Political Science and Law in 2020.
Research interests
- Climate change mitigation policy
- Emission trading system
- Carbon neutrality
- Master of Economics, Beijing Normal University
- Bachelor of Economics, Northwest University of Political Science and Law