Becky Sale
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- Thesis title: Managing at home in times of crisis: How climate, COVID-19 and cost of living crises intersect in everyday life and what we can do about it
- Supervisor: Dr Jim McQuaid , Professor Lucie Middlemiss, Professor Catherine Noakes, Dr Marco-Felipe King
I am a first-year PhD researcher in the Sustainability Research Institute.
Before this PhD, I studied a Masters in Sustainable Cities at the University of Leeds. My Masters thesis explored the recruitment of households living in energy poverty for fuel poverty research, where I investigated the barriers and challenges to recruitment and identified the most appropriate methods for research. I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Exeter, achieving a first in BSc Geography with Applied GIS.
In my project titled ‘Managing at home in times of crisis: How climate, COVID-19 and cost of living crises intersect in everyday life and what we can do about it’, I am interested in understanding how people manage their households during crises, and how crises can affect vulnerability to energy poverty and/or indoor air pollution. I am interested in exploring the intersection of energy and air injustices and the socio-demographic patterns of these injustices. I am also interested in how we can mitigate poor indoor environments through the design of buildings.
Research interests
- Energy poverty
- Indoor air quality
- Indoor environments
- Social practices
- Lived experience
- MSc Sustainable Cities (Distinction)
- BSc Geography with Applied GIS (First Class)
Research groups and institutes
- Social and Political Dimensions of Sustainability