Mr. Sharif Al Bahri
- Email: eessab@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Geological Evaluation of the CO2 Storage Potential of the Lower Shuaiba Formation, The Sultanate of Oman.
- Supervisors: Professor Nigel Mountney, Dr Richard Collier, Dr Adam McArthur
I am currently working as the Lead Geologist within one of the largest O&G operators in the Sultanate of Oman. Over my 11 year career I have worked as an operations geologist, development geologist, project manager and most recently static reservoir modeler. I have experience in planning developments in a range of challenging geological settings including glacial and fluvial reservoirs with heavy oil, tight sandstone gas assets and highly fractured platform carbonate reservoirs all undergoing various stages of primary, secondy and tertiary recovery.
I hold BSc and MSc degrees from the University of Manchester the latter of which I was awarded with Distinction in 2012 and my thesis Characterizing the facies architecture of the Basal Sandstone in the Welton Oil field Onshore UK was awarded the BP sponsored prize for the best thesis within my program. As of 2023, I am currently undertaking a part time research degree from the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds as I wish to investigate the CCUS potential of some the depleted Carbonate reservoirs in my country in addition to gaining critical skills in research and development.
Research interests
- Cretaceous platform carbonate reservoirs in the Arabian plate.
- Work flows to capture small scale heterogeneities in reservoir modeling.
- Novel use of gridded production trends as secondary input to drive property distributions in static models.
- CCUS in depleted reservoirs.
- Depletion planning and appraisal.
- MSc. Petroleum Geoscience, The University of Manchester, 2012
- BSc. Geology, The University of Manchester, 2011
Research groups and institutes
- Sedimentology
- Climate solutions
- Institute of Applied Geoscience