Lena Chen

Lena Chen


I am a PhD student in the Earth Surface Science Institute (ESSI) and the Cohen geochemistry group. I completed my MSci in Geology at Imperial College London in 2019. I am interested in the cycling of micronutrients in the oceans, specifically looking at the interactions between sediment and seawater and using isotopes of trace metals as tools to track the global cycling of these elements. My master’s project examined the cadmium isotope signature in continental margin sediments. My current work focusses on the uptake and release of trace metals by marine sediments and whether it imparts an isotope signal to micronutrient trace metals. 

I am currently funded by the NERC Panorama DTP.

Research interests

  • Mineralogy
  • Experimental Geochemistry
  • Isotope Geochemistry
  • Marine Biogeochemistry

Research groups and institutes

  • Cohen Geochemistry
  • Earth Surface Science Institute