Joseph Hamm

Joseph Hamm


I am a PhD student in the Sustainability Research Institute, as part of the White Rose DTP programme. I research results-based payments for large carnivore conservation.

My background is primarily ecological; past research topics have included the foraging behaviour of scarlet macaws and the evaluation of methods to protect sea-turtle nests. My PhD is more interdisciplinary (and includes aspects of economics and social science), and uses a case study approach which focuses on Tanzania’s Ruaha landscape.  I am fortunate to work with a great international team of academics and practitioners, and hope that this research will improve conservation outcomes for large carnivores and the people who live alongside them.

Research interests

  • Human-carnivore conflict and coexistence
  • Equitable conservation
  • Solution-oriented research


  • MA Social Research, University of Leeds
  • MSc(Res) Biology, University of St Andrews
  • BSc(Hons) Zoology, University of Leicester

Research groups and institutes

  • Sustainability Research Institute
  • Environment and Development
  • Economics and Policy for Sustainability