Dr Beatriz Monge-Sanz

Dr Beatriz Monge-Sanz


I am an expert in stratospheric processes and their links with weather and climate.

As part of WCRP activities, since 2012 I lead a group of top international scientists working on Brewer-Dobson Circulation research for the SPARC Reanalyses Intercomparison Project (SRIP).

I am currently a Scientist at the Research Department of ECMWF. There I work on improving the description of the stratosphere and the ozone layer, and assessing corresponding impacts at different timescales. I am also involved in several international research projects and collaborations across SEE, from atmospheric circulation and reanalyses to the communication of climate science.

Before joining ECMWF I gained a Marie Curie Personal Fellowship hosted at the Climate-Chemistry Division of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). There my research was mainly focused on interactions between climate and air-quality.

In 2008 I became a Research Fellow at the School here in Leeds. My work was concerned with interactions between atmospheric circulation, composition and climate, both in the troposphere and the stratosphere. I also analysed the causes for improvements in recent stratospheric (re)analyses using the TOMCAT/SLIMCAT chemistry-transport model (CTM). And also worked on the parameterisation of greenhouse gases (O3, CH4, H2O) in the stratosphere, and the implementation of these parameterisations in global CTMs, NWP and climate models.

I obtained my degree in Physics from the University of Zaragoza (Spain), after that I did research in Atmospheric Science at ‘La Sapienza’ Univeristy in Rome (Italy). There I investigated total ozone trends and circulation patterns in the Northern Hemisphere and got experience with LIDAR and Brewer instrumentation. I joined the School in January 2005 to carry out a PhD supervised by Prof. Martyn Chipperfield. I also hold an MRes in Electronics and have experience in machine learning techniques, their performance and applications.

I have teaching experience at university graduate and undergraduate courses; I have designed and taught courses on “Climate and Weather Prediction and Models”, “Intelligent Instrumentation” and “The ozone layer”, among others.


Research interests

  • Stratosphere and its role in climate and weather processes.
  • Atmospheric chemistry and dynamics processes and modelling.
  • Reanalyses and climate trends.
  • Climate change, impacts, mitigation and adaptation.
  • Atmosphere-biosphere interactions.
  • Earth System models.
  • Machine learning techniques and applications.
  • Science communication.

Here below is a list of some of the projects I am or have recently been involved in:

  • SRIP: SPARC Reanalyses Intercomparison Project, part of WCRP activities.
  • SPECS: Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for European Climate Services.
  • EC-Earth: European Earth System Model.
  • CLIMBAIR: Coupling climate, terrestrial biosphere and atmospheric chemistry for air quality. (Marie Curie Fellowship)
  • TiS: Trends in Sustainability.
  • CLICAR: Climate-Chemistry feedbacks in the Arctic region.
  • MACC: Monitoring Air Composition and Climate.
  • COTTEE: Comparison of Tracer Transport and ECMWF Experiments.
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • Marie Curie Advanced Personal Fellowship, KNMI
  • PhD, Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds
  • MRes, Electronics, University of Zaragoza
  • MSc, Physics, University of Zaragoza

Professional memberships

  • WP/Chapter Leader WCRP SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP).
  • Marie Curie Alumni Association
  • European Geosciences Union