Dr Ivan Savov
- Position: Lecturer
- Areas of expertise: geochemistry; volcanology; petrology; tephrochronology; geology of the W. Pacific volcanic arc- backarc basins, cCaucasus and cyprus.
- Email: I.Savov@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 5199
- Location: 8.132b School of Earth and Environment
- Website: Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
- Lecturer Geochemistry & Volcanology - University of Leeds, 2008 - current
- Carnegie Research Fellow - Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM), 2005-2008.Research title: “Boron isotope systematics of volcanic rocks from intraplate settings”Advisors: Profs. Steve Shirey, Rick Carlson & Erik Hauri.
- Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellow - National Museum of Natural History, 2004- 2005, Research title: “The nature and evolution of volcanism in Armenia & Western Mexico” Advisor: Prof. Jim Luhr
- JOI/USSAC Schlander ODP fellow - 2003-2004
Research interests
I study the fluid/magma transport and compositional evolution within convergent plate margins. I am interested in establishing novel links between the elemental and isotopic signatures of island arc and collision zone volcanic rocks and the nature of the subducted slab assemblages-various sediments, altered oceanic crust, serpentinites and their metamorphic derivatives. In the lab I trace the sources of fluids and melts in the mantle by using a wide range of chemical tracers such as the isotope ratios of B, Li, Sr, Nd, Pb and Os, in combination with the concentration of highly fluid-mobile elements such as B, Li, Sb, As, I, and Cs. I also conduct a lot of fieldwork and am an active participant in the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)- related science in the Western Pacific.
The volcanic rocks I study in the field are from the active island arc volcanoes in: Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc-basin system (W.Pacific), Volcan Colima (Mexico), Avachinsky, Shiveluch, Kluchevskoy and Bakening volcanos (Kamchatka), Volcan Cerro Negro (Nicaragua) or Holocene to Eocene volcanic centres in Armenia, Bulgaria, Mexico, Canada and the USA. The metamorphic rocks and mantle xenoliths I study come from various arc and forearc- related successions in the USA, Far East Russia (Kamchatka) Bulgaria, Marianas. In particular I am interested in studies of various aspects of melange deposits- a complex mixtures of serpentinites and veined mantle wedge peridotites with sediments and basalts/gabbros.
Recent Collaborations:
- Prof. Patty Fryer (Univ. Hawaii, USA).
- Dr. Samuele Agostini (CNR- IGG, Pisa, Italy).
- Dr. Detlef Rost (Univ. of Auckland, NZ).
- Prof. Chuck & Laura Connor (University of South Florida, USA ).
- Drs. Steve Shirey, Richard Carlson & Erik Hauri (DTM/Carnegie Institution of Washington, USA)
- Dr. Ralf Halama (Univ. Keele, UK)
- Dr. Lubomir Metodiev (Bulgarian Geological Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria).
- Drs. Khachik Meliksetian (Armenian Geological Institute, Yerevan, Armenia).
- Dr. Thomas Zack (University of Gothenburg,Sweden).
- Dr. Roy Price (SUNY, USA)
- Prof. Tim Elliott & Andre Paul (Univ Bristol, UK)
- Drs. Graeme Swindles, Rob Newton, Andrew McCaig; Profs. Paul Wignall & M.Wilson (Univ.Leeds, UK)
- Drs. CeesJan De Hoog, Linda Kirstein & Kristina Walowski (Univ. Edinburgh, UK)
- Profs. Tamsin Mather & Chris Ballentine, Drs. Steve Turner & Rosie Jones (Univ.Oxford,UK)
- Drs. Madeleine Humphreys & Alex Iverson, Prof. Colin Macpherson (Durham Univ.)
Research projects I am currently (2017) involved with:
- The fate of light elements (B-Be-Li) during hydration and dehydration of subducting slabs
- Elemental & isotope behaviour at ultra-high pressure (UHP) conditions
- The petrological & geochemical evolution of North America's most active volcano. Volcan de Colima, Mexico.
- Studies of Icelandic volcanic ash from the North European Holocene tephra record.
- Petrology & geochemistry of collision-related volcanism in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and E.Anatolia
- Using Sr, O snd C isotopes and low abundance trace elements as paleo-climate proxies
- Petrology & geochemistry of dykes & sills from the San Rafael Volcanic Field, Utah (USA)
- Evolution of the W. Pacific mantle & early arc crust @ Izu-Bonin-Marianas arc-basin system
- The fate of volatiles in the mantle
- Petrology & geochemistry of the Balkan Ophiolite (Bulgaria & Serbia)
- PhD, Geology, University of South Florida,
- MSc, Geology, University of South Florida.
- BSc, Geology, University of Sofia
Professional memberships
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Geological Society of America
Student education
I contribute/lead on the following modules:
- Isotope Geochemistry
- Volcanic Processess
- Cyprus (Troodos Ophiolite) Fieldclass
- Environmental Research Projects
- Independent Field Reserch Projects
My current (2017) PhD students:
- Lubomira Tomanikova, Project: Volatile & fluid mobile element systematics of mantle xenoliths & their basic host rocks from selected Kamchatka arc volcanoes.
- Patrick Sugden, Project: Collision related volcanoes of Armenia
- Autumn Pugh, Project: The early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) mass extinction event & recovery in the Eastern Tethys
- Claire Cooper, Project: Volcano-Climate interactions in the Holocene
My past PhD students:
- Dr. Julia Crummy (now volcanologist at BSG)
- Dr. David Collings (now lecturer at Pontificia Universidad Católica, Peru)
- Dr. Elizabeth Watson (now Postdoc at Univeristy of Leeds)
Research groups and institutes
- Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics