Dr. Yasser Maghsoudi
- Position: InSAR Scientific Developer
- Email: Y.Maghsoudi@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: 7.28 Priestley buidling
- Website: Twitter | Researchgate
I completed my PhD at the department of Geomatics engineering, University of Calgary in Canada in 2012. During my PhD, I investigated how the time-series polarimetric SAR data can be employed for extracting forest biophycal parameters. My major research interest is focused on the use of the InSAR data in land deformation estimation. I did my postdoctoral research in this area at the University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, department of Earth Systems Analysis in the Netherlands in 2016. During that period, I was involved in a project aiming at estimating the ground deformation behavior of the geothermal plants in Indonesia using the time-series InSAR technique. According to the results, land uplift and subsidence were observed around the injection and production wells respectively. We used the Sentinel-1 time-series data for this purpose by which we were able to accurately estimate the land deformation in the study area.
I was involved in several projects aiming at using the InSAR technology for the deformation estimation of plains, infrastructures and buildings. I was recently involved in a project for the monitoring of the subsidence in southern part of Tehran mainly caused by the over extraction of the underground water. I was also involved in another research on the potential of C-band sentinel-1 InSAR data for DAM monitoring in terms of feasibility and applications. My research interests involve both theoretical and practical aspects. On the theoretical aspects, I supervised a graduate student who developed an iterative PS-InSAR algorithm to improve the performance of the original algorithm for land deformation estimation. The land subsidence estimation in densely vegetated areas has always been a challenge. Using the proposed algorithm we were able to obtain results from these areas.
I joined university of Leeds in August 2019 as an InSAR scientist and facility developer. My main resposiblity is to develop the current LiCSAR system which is an Automatic InSAR Tool for monitoring tectonic and volcanic activities. The project is funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council through the Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET).
- Developing the LiCSAR system
- Coordinating the LiCSAR working groups
Research interests
I am mainly interested in the use of InSAR technology to estimate the land deformation signal.
- Postdoctoral fellow, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- PhD, University of Calgary, Canada
- BA, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran
Professional memberships
- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
Research groups and institutes
- Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics