Nancy Ingham
- Position: PGR Support Team Manager, School of Earth and Environment
- Email: N.Ingham@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 0482
- Location: 8.101 School of Earth and Environment
- Website: LinkedIn
I completed a BSc in Chemistry with French at U.M.I.S.T., Manchester and EHICS (Grand Ecole de Chemie, Strasbourg) in 1992.
I then went on to work in the coatings industry, initially in research and development, and later in regulatory affairs. After a career break, I retrained as a science teacher, gaining my PGCE in 2010.
I joined the University of Leeds (Faculty of Medicine and Health), supporting the MBChB programme, in 2015, before moving to a role in the Graduate School Office in the Faculty of Engineering.
In 2018 I started an integrated MSc/PhD, at the University of Leeds, as part of the cP3 CDT programme in the School of Chemical and Process Engineering, gaining my MSc in 2020.
Prior to taking up my role as Manager for the SEE PGR support team I was the acting Manager for two CDTs
- MSc, University of Leeds, 2020
- PGCE, University of Huddersfield, 2010
- BSc, Chemistry with French, UMIST, 1992
Professional memberships