Professor Paul Glover
- Position: Chair of Petrophysics
- Areas of expertise: petrophysics; core analysis; log analysis; gas shales; unconventional oil and gas; petroleum engineering; porosity; permeability; electrical properties of rocks, oil nanoengineering, fracking
- Email: P.W.J.Glover@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 5213
- Location: 8.02 Priestley Building
- Website: Personal homepage | Twitter
Professor Glover is a specialist in the physical properties of rocks, with a special interest in the flow of fluids and electrical current through rocks as well as the electro-kinetic properties of rocks.His work encompasses theoretical development, modelling, laboratory experimentation and the development of new petrophysical apparatuses. There are industrial and academic applications of these phenomena, including the exploration for, and management of, oil, gas, water, geothermal and CO2 storage reservoirs, earthquake mechanisms, volcano prediction and the structure of the Earths continental crust. Professor Glover has always had an interest in the interaction between the provision of energy, resources and the environment, and was the founder of the Section dedicated to this subject within the European Geosciences Union. Professor Glover currently holds the Chair of Petrophysics and is Director of Leeds University Petrophysics Laboratory. Until recently he held similar positions at Universite Laval in Canada, and has previously held academic positions in the Universities of Aberdeen, Montpellier II (France), Tohoku (Japan) and UCL. He has also worked for BP and Gastem Inc. Professor Glover also has an interest in Archaeometry, particularly with respect to the use of geophysical techniques to find and map the remains of vernacular buildings from the Early Anglo-Saxon period, and also collects minerals on stamps.
1985-1988 PhD, Experimental Geophysics, University of East Anglia (supervisor Prof. F.J. Vine) 1984-1985 MSc, Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (supervisor Prof. S.K. Runcorn) 1980-1984 BSc Physics (with Geophysics), Imperial College of Science and Technology, London 1980-1984 Physics, ARCS, Royal College of Science
Professor Glover is currently a member of the SEG, EGU, AGU and PSEGB.
He is the University of Leeds' representative on the Environmental Industries Commission.
Paul Glover has also been the chair of the panel on Earth and the Environment for the Undergraduate Awards since 2014.
- Manager of the Petrophysics Laboratory
- Member of Leeds University Senate
- Environmental Industries Commission Representative
Research interests
Professor Glover's research portfolio is presently very wide, and can be summarised by the following areas:
- The electrical, hydraulic, mechanical and micro-structural properties of rocks, paying particular attention to the physical processes involved.
- The role of rock properties in understanding anthropogenic implications for the environment.
- Electro-kinetic behaviour of rocks (coupling of hydraulic and electrical flows) and surface conduction.
- Fluid flow in rough natural fractures and pore spaces in rocks, including the transport and remediation of dissolved chemically toxic and radioactive contaminants.
- Causes of high electrical conductivity in the lower continental crust and implications for the petrology and structure of the continental crust.
- Development of new laboratory petrophysical techniques, and new logging techniques for measuring rock physical properties.
- Integration of laboratory, borehole and field measurements for improved reservoir/crustal analysis.
- The role of electro-kinetics in earthquake mechanisms and the prediction of volcanic eruptions.
- Rock mechanics and the use of fracing for improving recovery from shale gas deposits.
- PhD, University of East Anglia
- MSc, Newcastle University
- BSc, Imperial College London
- ARCS, Royal College of Science, London
Professional memberships
Student education
Professor Glover has taught a wide range of subjects including: Petrophysics and geological well log interpretation, routine and special core analysis,formation evaluation and fluid flow, petroleum geology, petroleum geophysics, global geophysics, exploration geophysics, geostatistics, oral presentation skills, written presentation skills, and the philosophy and ethics of scientific research. He has a particular interest in the provision of postgraduate teaching using distance learning methods.
Research groups and institutes
- Petrophysics and Geomechanics
- Planetary Exploration
- Institute of Applied Geoscience