Dr Juliane Schwendike
- Position: Associate Professor in Meteorology
- Areas of expertise: Tropical meteorology, tropical cyclones, convection and high impact weather, monsoons, large-scale circulations
- Email: J.Schwendike@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 1054
- Location: 11.02 Priestley Building
- Website: Personal homepage | Googlescholar
Juliane Schwendike is an associate professor in Meteorology. Juliane’s work focusses on the dynamics of tropical cyclones, the predictability of tropical cyclones in global and convection-permitting ensemble simulations, the link between African easterly waves and convection, local Hadley and Walker circulations, and the impact of the MJO on these circulations.
- Director of the Centre for Environmental Modelling And Computation (CEMAC)
Research interests
Current projects include:
- WCSSP SE Asia: FORecasting for SouthEast Asia (FORSEA)
- Huracán: HUrricane Risk Amplification and Changing North Atlantic Natural disasters
- PhD Meteorology, 2010, Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Germany
- Diplom Meteorology, 2006, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Professional memberships
- Member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)
- Member of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS)
- Member of the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS)
Research groups and institutes
- Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science
- Atmospheric and Cloud Dynamics