
Results 41 to 45 of 237 in School of Geography

A glacier in Greenland

A study has found widespread mass loss of glaciers and ice caps in Greenland since the start of the 20th century.

Some people at a protest in the USA. Sign reads: No human being is illegal.

Dr Deirdre Conlon warns that the privatisation of detention centres is leading to unjust and unsafe treatment of migrants, including asylum seekers.

Professor Simon Lewis discussing his research.

A researcher who exposed the threat that climate change poses to tropical forests in Africa has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, one of the highest accolades in science.

The remnant of the Sulztal glacier, Austria.

With glaciers melting at unprecedented rates due to climate change, invertebrates that live in the cold meltwater rivers of the Alps will face widespread habitat loss, warn researchers.

A four by four vehicle carrying equipment into the Amazon over a narrow bridge made of logs.

As an ecologist, Dr Julia Tavares often has to consider how to collect data from remote locations.