Sink or swim – threats to earthworm diversity due to flooding

Earthworms are vital for the health and functioning of most soils. However, flooded soils rapidly become oxygen deficient; unless earthworms move away they can drown. 

In this Leverhulme Trust funded project we will explore:

•    soil water contents at which earthworms avoid soil
•    whether differences in haemoglobin allow some earthworms to survive in flooded soil whilst others drown
•    how long earthworm eggs remain viable in flooded soils 
•    how UK flood hazards may increase due to climate change

With this information we will determine threats to UK earthworm communities from climate change-related increased flooding.


Leeds will lead on the creation of earthworm flood risk maps that show the vulnerability of earthworm populations to climate change-driven changes in flood extent, frequency and duration.

Project website