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School of Food Science and Nutrition
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School of Food Science and Nutrition
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Project title
Acousto-optic cell for off-line SAXS instrument
Addressing health inequalities in Leeds: A pilot healthy eating intervention evaluation with a Third Sector Community Organisation and people from African Caribbean communities
Addressing micronutrient deficiencies associated with the double burden of childhood malnutrition in China, a combined food system framework
AdvanceYeastProt- Advanced and sustainable yeast-based novel food, grown in bio-scaffolds for a high- structured and protein rich product
Aflatoxin exposure assessment in home-based peanut oil consumers and biomarkers of early health effects
AI-Optimised Fermentation for Sustainable Protein Production from Food Side Streams
AI-Optimised Fermentation for Sustainable Protein Production from Food Waste
Building UK capability to deliver innovative alternative proteins
Cholesterol metabolism as a functional biomarker of triple negative breast cancer relapse
Coagulation towards remediation and sensing of microfiber pollutants in freshwater and marine environment using structurally and functionally modified biopolymers
Community-led, nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
Connected Everything II: Accelerating Digital Manufacturing Research Collaboration and Innovation
CruSHH - Crustacean Shell protein-derived Peptides for Hearth Health
Developing healthy eating recipe resources for African Caribbean multicultural communities in Leeds
Development of an innovative plant-based burger with properties like a beef burger for the plant-based and flexitarian market
Diamond Leeds SAXS Facility
Elucidating mechanisms underlying multivalency modulating lectin-glycan binding and assembly properties-implications for lectin function regulation
Enhancing Agri-Food Transparent Sustainability (EATS)
Enhancing the bacterial anti-quorum effect by using chitosan based nanoencapsulation of 1,3-di-m- tolylurea and fluoride against dental caries pathogen Streptococcus mutans
Evaluation of the Ministry of Food Schools programme on cooking confidence, food literacy and dietary behaviour
Examining the biological mechanisms that underlie the drive to eat in humans
Finding Healthy Online
Food in Primary Schools – studying children’s real-world food choice and dietary behaviour (FiPS study)
Food Systems Transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FoSTA Health), EU
GCRF - Addressing micronutrient deficiencies associated with the double burden of childhood malnutrition in China, a combined food system framework
Health Inequalities in the Food System; Fibre intake in Adolescents
Healthy and environmentally sustainable foods for infants and young children: taking a close look at commercial babyfoods and listening to families
Mapping the Production-Consumption Gap, Health Outcomes and Potential Circular Economy of the Leeds Food System
OASES (Outcomes Assessment of Sensory Education in Schools)
Optimising the FIT Food online game app to promote the acquisition of skills and knowledge in nutrition and healthy food choice behaviours among users
Optimization and demonstration of a sustainable bioprocess for extraction of value-added food supplements and ingredients from crustacean waste resource (TAMFI)
Plant-based egg
Plant sterols as modifiers of oxysterol metabolism in triple negative breast cancer relapse
RoboHog: developing an in vitro gut model system of the porcine hindgut
Safeguarding milpa-polyculture system for the development of sustainable agricultural practices and functional foods: a bioeconomics approach
SNAPP – Sustainable Nutrition for Animal Protein Productivity.
Study and characterization of cushuro proteins and polysaccharides ('Nostoc commune') from the Cotaparaco-Recuay lagoon, Áncash, for the development of functional foods and contribution to reduce children malnutrition
SusProFood: Optimising development of SUStainable functional fibre-rich FOODs fortified with plant PROteins
Sustainable ingredients for the plant-based food market
UK-China Agritech Challenge- CITRUSAFE
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