Making Connections: Networking Event for Research Staff

- Date: Wednesday 7 June 2023, 10:00 – 11:30
- Location: Nexus, Discovery Way, Leeds, LS2 3AA
- Cost: Free
Please join us for a networking event which will provide the opportunity to meet other researchers and find out about shared research interests and experiences, through ice-breaking activities.
The event will be hosted and organised by Early Career Researchers from the Faculty of Environment, though this event is open to all research staff from across the University.
The event will take place in person at NEXUS on Wednesday 7th June 2023, 10-11.30 am.
All research staff are welcome. There are limited places available, so please reserve your place.
How to book
Book your place via Eventbrite. If you are not able to sign up through Eventbrite or if you have any questions, please email Giorgia Cioccoloni at or email Cheng Wen at