UK-SEDI 2017

- Date: Friday 12 May 2017, 10:00 – 16:00
- Location: Royal Astronomical Society Lecture Theatre, Burlington House Piccadilly London
- Type: Conferences and lectures
- Cost: Various
The Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior (SEDI) focusses on the study of Earth’s mantle and core and has links to comparative planetology.
The meeting will comprise invited review talks, contributed student-presented talks and discussion about the big, unsolved questions in deep Earth research. Additionally we will have the opportunity for poster presentations over an extended lunch. This meeting will help to identify important topics in deep Earth research to which the UK SEDI community might contribute and we hope to foster new collaborations between UK and international deep Earth researchers. Submissions for contributed talks (abstract required) or posters (title required) on any SEDI-related theme are welcome; see details below.
Invited speakers
Matt Jackson, University of California Santa Barbara
Alex Fournier, Institut du Physique du Globe de Paris
This Specialist Discussion Meeting is open to all.
Admission fees:
- RAS members: free
- Non-RAS members: £15
- Full-time students: £5
Note: there is no need to register for this meeting - simply turn up on the day and pay (if required) the admission fee on arrival.
Meeting programme
Download the meeting programme, including oral abstracts and poster titles.
Outline schedule
Morning session
10:00 - 10:30 Arrival, registration and tea/coffee
10:30 - 12:30 Oral presentations and discussion
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch and posters
Afternoon session
13:30 - 15:30 Oral presentations and discussion
15:30 - 16:00 Tea/coffee and informal discussion
16:00 - 18:00 RAS AGM (for RAS fellows only)
Student travel support
We have funds to contribute towards travel for several students who wish to attend. Those wishing to take advantage of these should apply by the abstract deadline. Applications will take the form of a short (ideally electronic) letter addressed to the organisers, detailing your expected travel expenses. Awards are expected to be typically about £60, but this is not a hard limit for applications. Awardees are expected to have submitted a title or abstract for a presentation, but this is also not a hard requirement.
Further information
Please contact Andy Nowacki with any queries.
(For further details of location and times see or phone the Society on 020 7734 3307.)