Introduction to Practical Experiment Geochemistry

- Date: Thursday 17 January 2019
- Location:
- Interval: Every day
- Until: Saturday 19 January 2019
- Cost: £200-300 (tbc)
A three day course introducing the fundamentals of practical inorganic geochemistry.
This training course aims to take 1st year PhD and Masters students through the fundamentals of experimental inorganic geochemistry. We will guide students from sample collection to analysis; with sessions covering field work (optional), basic laboratory skills, analytical techniques, data analysis, and data interpretation.
This course takes place in the Cohen Laboratories within the School of Earth and Environment. The Cohen labs are a world leading centre for geochemistry.
Who should attend?
1st year PhD and Masters students with an inorganic geochemical focus.
How much does it cost?
£200-300 (tbc), which includes refreshments and lunch but not accommodation and other meals.
How can I book a place?
For further information and to book a place, please contact Andy Connelly. Places are limited. You can also follow us on Twitter where we will be giving regular updates.
Here's a flavour of the types of seminars and laboratory session we will be running.
Seminar (optional) - Planning and preparation - fieldwork
- Planning field and experimental campaigns
- Sample handling
- Sample storage
- Thinking ahead
Fieldwork (optional) - Sampling techniques and in situ measurements
- Learn about basic water and sediment collection
- Performing basic in situ measurements (pH, conductivity, etc.)
- Field planning & H&S issues
Seminar - Planning and preparation for laboratory work
- Picking the correct analysis method
- Design of experiment
- Method development and discussion of analytical technique (CRMs, check standards, analytical quality assurance, etc.)
Laboratory session - Preparation of calibration standards
- Calculations required for preparing calibration standards
- Practical standard preparation for water analysis
Seminar - Data processing
- Calculate LOD/LOQ
- Using calibration curves
- Calculate uncertainty
Laboratory session - Extractions
- H&S handling concentrated acids
- Basic extraction processes for sediment samples
Laboratory session - Analysis of field samples
- Analysis of field samples
- Applying calibration curves to analysis
- Calculating LOD/LOQ and uncertainties
Seminar - Data analysis
- Making sure your data make sense
- Assessing the quality of data
Discussion - Discussion of analysis results from fieldwork
- What the numbers tell us, nutrient analysis, etc.
- Discussion of issues with data and applying scientific knowledge
Mini seminar series - Looking forward
- Opportunity to listen to local experts talking about their specialities.
- Students can ask more specific questions about their project and what techniques they might use
Geochemistry seminar - to be arranged