
Results 506 to 510 of 639 in Faculty of Environment

Leeds market

Dr Myfanwy Taylor and members of the Markets 4 People (M4P) research team, led by Dr Sara Gonzalez, are to receive £15,000 in funding from the ESRC Impact Acceleration Accounts.

Image of Mumbai. 

Copyright: Unequal Scenes, @johnny_miller_photography

A new study has found extreme disparity in the use of energy among richer and poorer people - both within countries and between them.

Image of Dr Natasha Barlow

A new study, involving a Leeds scientist, has discovered that 18th Century sea level rise along North America’s Atlantic coast was almost as fast as in the 20th Century.

African tropical forest

The ability of the world’s tropical forests to remove carbon from the atmosphere is decreasing, according to a study tracking 300,000 trees over 30 years, published today in Nature.


Extinction risk could decrease by more than 50% if at least 30% of land is conserved across the tropics, reveals a new study.