Connie Harpur
- Email: gycmh@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Glacier dynamics at the lacustrine margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Supervisors: Professor Mark Smith, Professor Duncan Quincey, Professor Jonathan Carrivick, Dr Liam Taylor, Dr Penny How (GEUS)
I am a PhD student in the School of Geography at the University of Leeds, with interests in glaciology and remote sensing. Supported by the NERC Panorama DTP, my project investigates the effects of ice marginal lakes on glacier dynamics and calving in Greenland. I work with satellite datasets to observe glaciological changes across broad spatial scales, and employ field-based techniques to assess controls on lake-terminating glacier calving at fine resolutions. With this work I hope to contribute to the inclusion of lake – ice interactions in models of ice sheet change, helping to improve our predictions of future ice loss and sea-level rise.
I previously completed a BSc in Physical Geography and a Masters by Research in Antarctic Glaciology at Durham University. My MRes project used satellite remote sensing data to quantify contemporary ice dynamics at Moscow University Glacier and Moscow University Ice Shelf, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. I enjoy communicating environmental sciences with the public, particularly through creating accessible materials which spark an interest in climate and the environment in schools.
Twitter: @ConnieHarpur
Research interests
- Glaciology
- Climate Change
- Earth Observation Remote Sensing
- Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
- MRes Antarctic Glaciology, Durham University
- BSc (Hons) Physical Geography, Durham University
Research groups and institutes
- River Basin Processes and Management
- water@leeds