Yoga Pratama

Yoga Pratama


Yoga holds a BSc in Food Technology from Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia) and received his MSc in the same field from a joint consortium of KaHo Sint Lieven (Belgium), Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal), and Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland). As a food expert, he specialised in vegetable oil and margarine production, before joining the University of Diponegoro (Indonesia) in 2014 as an assistant professor.

Research interests

Yoga is currently investigating the crystallisation behaviour of buffalo milk fat under the supervision of Prof Michael Rappolt and Dr Elena Simone. Specifically, he examines (1) the effect of differing milk fat triglyceride compositions and various processing conditions on the kinetic and the polymorph of milk fat crystals, (2) the key triglyceride species or group that correspond to the formation of certain crystal structures, and ultimately (3) the methods to produce targeted milk fat crystals.


  • BSc in Food Science and Technology
  • MSc in Food Technology and Nutrition

Research groups and institutes

  • Food Colloids and Processing