Tessa Grant


I am responsible for the delivery of professional development objectives within the Faculty of Environment, University of Leeds, this includes:

• Working with relevant staff in the Schools of Geography and Earth and Environment and the Institute of Transport Studies to identify the needs of different learning communities and supporting and leading the implementation of professional development activity.
• Leading the FoE Professional Development Group; maintaining regular contact for dissemination and discussion with key personnel responsible for the delivery of employability and alumni engagement activity
• Monitoring and evaluating fluctuations in undergraduate and postgraduate placement provision across Faculty as required and proposing remedial action where necessary
• Taking responsibility for the management, allocation and tracking of the Faculty’s employability strategy budget and any other resources attributed to this activity
• Co-ordinating the delivery and management of faculty wide initiatives and opportunities and disseminating to schools for promotion and recruitment.

This involves the provision and promotion of co-curricular opportunities in the FoE to support professional development which includes activities such as:

• Year in industry
• Cross Faculty Careers Fairs
• Industry guest speakers
• Industrial Advisory Boards
• Training opportunities delivered by external organisations and alumni
• Volunteering opportunities
• Summer internships