Professor Gleb Yakubov
- Position: Professor of Food Biopolymers
- Areas of expertise: polysaccharides; mucins; food physics; atomic force microscopy (AFM); rheology; tribology; biofluidic microscopy (BFM); dietary fibre; biopolymers; force spectroscopy; food processing; food structure.
- Email: G.Yakubov@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: 10.74 EC Stoner Building
- Website: Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
I am a Professor and Chair in Food Biopolymers at the School of Food Science and Nutrition. My postgraduate research focused on investigating biopolymer systems using colloidal probe AFM force spectroscopy. Before joining the University of Leeds, I was in the School of Biosciences at the University of Nottingham and in the School of Chemical Engineering at The University of Queensland (Australia). Prior to my academic career, I gained eight years of experience in industrial R&D roles, including positions at global fast-moving consumer goods companies.
My primary expertise lies in applying the principles of colloidal, soft matter, and polymer science to address challenges in food research, digestive health, and biomolecular technology. I lead the Food Biopolymer Research Team, which focuses on applying these scientific principles to improve the nutritional value of foods. For example, one of the avenues of our research explores how the processing of grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables can influence the nutritional quality of everyday foods. Recently, our team has also pioneered machine learning and computer vision-based approaches to model oral processing for improved health and wellbeing. Additionally, we have designed a new biofluidic microscope that combines super-resolution confocal microscopy with fluidic force microscopy, providing insights into biological systems across multiple length and time scales, as well as in the domains of force, adhesion, and tribology.
Research interests
My research focuses on understanding the molecular insights of carbohydrates — often referred to as the third alphabet of life — with the aim of advancing and pioneering new technologies in food, nutrition, and biomaterial applications. My group is also actively involved in developing techniques and methods for Biofluidic Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Rheology, Soft Matter Mechanics, Soft Contact Tribology, Nano-Rheology, and Nano-Mechanics. Across these areas, we explore both fundamental and applied aspects related to:
- Dietary fibers and their functionality (including colonic fermentation)
- Food ingredients, gelling agents, plant-based foods, and polysaccharide-based food packaging
- Polysaccharide structure and polysaccharide-water interactions, including applications in plant cell wall structure and mechanics
- Mucin glycoproteins, mucosal immunology, and mucoadhesion
- Saliva, salivary mucins, oral processing, oral lubrication, food texture, and their links to sensory perception
- Machine learning approaches for analysing oral processing
- Food innovation and new product development
Professional memberships
- Institute of Physics
- British Society of Rheology
- European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence
Student education
Module leader for FOOD3371 – ‘New Product Development’
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