6th Leeds Industry Day: Food in a Changing World
- Date: Wednesday 26 June 2024, 08:45 – 17:00
- Location: Esther Simpson Building
- Cost: Free
A free Food Science and Nutrition industry networking event allowing members of industry and academia to meet and discuss challenges and opportunities to understand food in a changing world.
Register for the event
To book a free place, please email: FoodResearch@leeds.ac.uk
Event programme
8:30 Registration and refreshments (Esther Simpson entrance)
9:00 Welcome and highlights of the School of Food Science and Nutrition (10 mins): School of Food Science and Nutrition, Professor Paul Sharp, Head of School elect.
9:10 Keynote: joint presentation (30 mins). Professors Michelle Morris and Nicholas Watson, School of Food Science and Nutrition.
09:40 School talk (20 mins): Dr Mark Hopkins, School of Food Science and Nutrition.
10:00 Panel 1: Challenges and Opportunities of food in a changing world (40mins). Host: Professor Anwesha Sarkar. Panellists: Sue Cloran (Eat Well Global), Kerry Whiteside (Samworth Brothers), Janet Cade (MyFood24), Vicky McColl (AB Mauri).
10:40 Coffee break and posters (45 mins)
11:25 Keynote from industry (30 mins). Industry representative from Nestlé.
11:55 Academic-Industry Case Studies (15 mins each). Professor Brent Murray and Nestlé, Dr Christine Bosch and BioPower Ltd.
12:25 Flash presentation by PhD Students (15 mins)
12.45 Funding Opportunities for Food and Nutrition Research (10 mins). Research Innovation Development Officer (Research Innovation Service).
12:55 Lunch, posters and demos (1hr 30 mins)
14:25 Industry talk: (30 mins). Igor Bodna, DSM.
14:55 Sainsbury’s talk (20 mins). Industry representative.
15.15 School Talk (20 mins). Dr Yuan Guo, School of Food Science and Nutrition.
15:35 Coffee Break (20 mins). Esther Simpson café.
15:55 Global Food Institute Europe Talk (20 mins). Helen Breewood, Good Food Institute Europe.
16:15 Panel 2: Industry and academic engagement (University of Leeds alumni) (40 mins). Host: Dr Sally Moore. Industry panellists: Zak Glover (Arla), Ophelie Torres (Unilever), Kate Lefroy (Ulrick & Short), Beth Hornsby (Premier Foods).
16:50 Closing Remarks. School of Food Science and Nutrition, Professor Alan Mackie (Head of School).