Food processing for preservation and value addition with Professor Ko Falade

- Date: Tuesday 6 August 2024, 10:00 – 11:00
- Location: SEE Seminar Rooms, 8.119
- Cost: Free
Join the Global Food and Environment Institute to hear from a guest speaker about innovation in food processing for preservation and value addition.
Global Food and Environment Institute (GFEI) invites you to a hybrid seminar on Tuesday 6 August 2024:10.00-11.00am, in the School of Earth and Environment seminar room (8.119 room 1) and on Microsoft Teams.
The title of the seminar is 'Food processing for preservation and value addition,’ with guest speaker Professor Ko Falade.
This talk will be on the use of osmotic dehydration with subsequent air drying (candied fruits), foam mat drying, food hydrocolloids and extrusion technologies in the processing and value addition of selected tropical crops.
In recently published work, Professor Kalade has shown that 50% Bambara groundnut content could be used to produce breakfast cereal.
Most recently, he has investigated nutrient retention in selected Nigeria foods and changes in quality attributes of roasted ancient grains, in a research sponsored by Nestle, Switzerland.
In addition to developing extruded foods for all age groups, his special interest will be to investigate the development of extruded, nutritious and convenience foods for children (under 5), pregnant and lactating mothers.
To register for the seminar, book your free ticket on Ticketsource.