Dr Aurora Levesley
- Position: ForestPlots.net Database Manager
- Email: A.Levesley@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 3347
- Location: 10.22 Garstang Building
As ForestPlots database manager, I work with and support the Ecology and Global Change research group and our project partners by coordinating the management, development and promotion of the application ForestPlots.net.
With a background in plant science (physiology, plant breeding and molecular biology) I have enjoyed research on ‘Breeding for salinity resistance in rice’, ‘Quantitative trait loci for component physiological traits determining salt tolerance in rice’ and ‘Nematode resistance in pineapple’ at the University of Sussex, John Innes Centre, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines and University of Leeds. My interest in plant science education lead me to work on the ‘Gatsby Plant Science Project’ where I co-developed an award winning Plant Science Teaching Resource (the Plant Science TREE). I have had the opportunity to work closely with clinicians, dentists, academics and students to develop innovative digital learning resources (database driven web applications, eBooks, Apps, such as pRRAPID, the Virtual Community and DentAim) that support blended learning delivered by the Faculty of Medicine and Health. I have also contributed to teaching activities.
- BSc, Applied Biology, Brunel University
- D.Phil. University of Sussex