
Results 21 to 25 of 268 in News intray

Someone in a white lab coat pointing to a model cross-section of a liver

A new discovery about how the liver flushes cholesterol from the body could lead to more effective treatments for cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death worldwide.

geography professor louise waite advises the house of lords on the modern slavery act

When the Modern Slavery Act 2015 was passed, it was claimed to be world-leading legislation that would prevent and disrupt modern slavery. Nine years later, its ‘world-leading’ status is in question.

A close up of someone's hands holding their phone. Greenery can be seen in the background.

Faculty of Environment researchers will lead a £6m data service that helps researchers use smart data to better understand the health and sustainability of places.

A child's arm reaching for a sandwich in a green container. A green strip covers the left side, with black text that reads

Access to healthy diets is essential for young people's health and lives. This World Food Day, we highlight research that supports nutritional health for babies, children and teenagers worldwide.

A graphic with a globe on the right, highlighting Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. On the left is a flow chart that says

Daniela Navarro-Perez collaborates with organisations and volunteers to increase access to science news in Spanish-speaking communities.