
Results 166 to 170 of 481 in School of Earth and Environment

a photo of Professor Ian Brooks wrapped up in a wool hat with a head torch, scarf and warm jacket, against a dark sky.

Ian Brooks, Professor of Boundary Layer Processes at the University of Leeds, has been awarded the Polar Medal.

A photo of an avocado cut in half, held open in the palms of a persons hands who is out of shot.

An article originally published on The Conversation, discussing the injustices in global food systems.

An image of A68A iceberg approaching the island of South Georgia (14 December 2020). The left hand part of the image are clouds.

Scientists monitoring the giant A68A Antarctic iceberg from space reveal that a huge amount of fresh water was released as it melted around the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia.

Dr Timothy Craig – Royal Society University Research Fellow in the School of Earth and Environment – has been recognised for his outstanding contributions to the field of geodynamics.

Repeated Infrared image of woman waring face mask breathing

The Sorby Lab has received recognition for their work during the early part of the pandemic to support a Royal Academy of Engineering project – Project CARE.