
Results 566 to 570 of 1069 in all schools

Photo of Dr Alex Dunhill

An academic from the School of Earth and Environment has been awarded a prestigious prize from the Geological Society of London.

African tropical forest

The ability of the world’s tropical forests to remove carbon from the atmosphere is decreasing, according to a study tracking 300,000 trees over 30 years, published today in Nature.

North China craton

Chemical changes in the oceans more than 800 million years ago almost destroyed the oxygen-rich atmosphere that paved the way for complex life on Earth, new research suggests.


Extinction risk could decrease by more than 50% if at least 30% of land is conserved across the tropics, reveals a new study.

Autonomous transport

Professor Ed Manley has been awarded a UKRI grant worth over £900,000 on the UK-Canada AI initiative to develop new models of autonomous transport for enhancing mobility in ageing populations.