ICTTP Best Young Scientist Award
ITS researcher Tyron Louw won the Best Young Scientist Award at the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP) held in Brisbane, Australia in August 2016.
Rail Franchising - Evidence to Parliament
Dr Andrew Smith was one of three academic experts invited to give evidence to the House of Commons Transport Committee inquiry into rail franchising.
ASDA customers save money by reducing food waste
Asda is the first UK supermarket to prove savings for customers, as two million reduce food waste at home following a campaign with the University of Leeds.
Report highlights urgent risks for the UK from climate change
The impacts of climate change are already being felt in the UK and urgent action is needed, concludes a report published today.
SRI PGR Student reports back from GRONEN conference
SRI PGR student Thomas Smith was awarded a SRI bursary to attend GRONEN conference. He reports back: