
Results 201 to 205 of 1010 in all schools

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Professor Simon Lewis authors this piece on the UN organisation's latest climate change report and how this will affect negotiations at Cop28, which is taking place in the UAE in November.

Longview over the top of a glacier

Scientists have calculated that the fastest changing Antarctic region - the Amundsen Sea Embayment - has lost more than 3,000 billion tonnes of ice over a 25-year period.  

Scientists have calculated that the fastest changing Antarctic region - the Amundsen Sea Embayment - has lost more than 3,000 billion tonnes of ice over a 25-year period.  

Illustration of the earth cut in half revealing the super core.

Compass readings that do not show the direction of true north and interference with the operations of satellites are a few of the problems caused by peculiarities of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Poster advertising the SEE CHANGE exhibition - a green block with black text

An online exhibition featuring the work of 10 photographers from Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria, as well as other visual and written interventions is now available to visit online.