GCRF African SWIFT Website Launch
The GCRF African Science for Weather Information and Forecasting (SWIFT) project launched their project website on Monday, 5th February, 2018.
Human Factors & Safety group hosts L3 Pilot project workshop
On 16 and 17 January 2018, members of the Human Factors and Safety group at the Institute for Transport Studies hosted the first joint sub-project workshop for the EU-funded L3Pilot project.
Putting vehicle flow theory into practice
In December, all ITS Masters students were invited to take part in the fourth ITS bumper car challenge in Leeds city centre.
Professor Dominick Spracklen awarded a prestigious ERC Consolidator grant
Professor Dominick Spracklen has secured highly prestigious European Research Council funding worth £2 million euros over the next five years.
Roads for the Future competition - making UK roads ready for connected and autonomous vehicles
The National Infrastructure Commission has launched the Roads for the Future competition together with Highways England and Innovate UK.