
Results 116 to 120 of 142 in all schools for forest

Professor Dominick Spracklen hs secured European Research Council funding to continue his research into impacts of tropical deforestation.

Professor Dominick Spracklen has secured highly prestigious European Research Council funding worth £2 million euros over the next five years.

New insight into climate impacts of deforestation. Photo by: Jace Grandin.

Deforestation is likely to warm the climate even more than originally thought, scientists warn.

Flowerdale Trees. Credit: Lucy Campbell

An international team of scientists, led by the School of Earth and Environment, has quantified the relationship between natural sources of particles in the atmosphere and climate change.

The mass movement of humans and animals is significantly affecting the distribution of essential microorganisms, scientists warn.

Tropical forests are less likely to lose biomass – plants and plant material - suggests a study published by Nature Geoscience.