
Results 436 to 440 of 496 in all schools for climate

View from British Antarctic Survey Rothera research station, on Alexander Island at the Antarctic Peninsula. Credit: A.E. Hogg/CPOM

Glacier flow at the southern Antarctic Peninsula has increased since the 1990s, but a new study has found the change to be only a third of what was recently reported.

Udzungwa Forest Project, Tanzania. Credit: Dr Andy Marshall

United Bank of Carbon (UBoC), a registered charity run from the University of Leeds, helps forge partnerships between businesses and international conservation initiatives.

Image of an African desert - Francoise Guichard, Laurent Kergoat, CNRS Photo Library

Global warming is responsible for tripling the frequency of extreme West African Sahel storms over the last three decades putting numerous cities in the region at risk, say scientists.

Global warming will thaw about 20% more permafrost than previously thought, scientists have warned – potentially releasing significant amounts of greenhouse gases into the Earth’s atmosphere.

A new study published recently highlights the importance of Antarctic ice sheet advance in causing changes in the Pacific ocean during the decent into the ice ages, at the Plio-Pleistocene Transition.