
Results 41 to 45 of 142 in all schools for forest

A hydropower dam

Scientists have analysed data from nearly three million rivers across the globe to identify where hydropower stations could be sited with limited environmental impacts.

Rainforest in Panama

Reforestation projects could be made more effective with the findings of new research into the constraints on nitrogen fixation among plants.

Tree tops in a tropical forest looking towards a mountain top against a blue sky

Leading researchers, including University of Leeds academics, want to see a decade of “global action” to restore the world’s lost and depleted forests.

industrial agriculture opinion piece

By Dr Jenny Hodbod, Lecturer of Environment and Development, Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment

Fishing camp on the Ikelemba River, DRC

The world’s largest tropical peatland turned from being a major store of carbon to a source of carbon dioxide emissions as a result of climate change thousands of years ago, new research has revealed.