Meg Davies
- Email: eemcd@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Hybrid event beds in confined basins
- Supervisors: Dr Adam McArthur, Professor David Hodgson, Dr. Lawrence Amy, Dr. Mattia Marini, Dr. Marco Patacci
I joined the Turbidites Research Group as a Post Graduate Researcher (PGR) in October 2022 after completing my MESci at the University of Liverpool.
My project aims to investigate the character, origin and distribution of Hybrid Event Beds (HEBs) in confined basin fills, with the following research questions:
- What are the main drivers of flow transformation in confined basins?
- What are the relationship of HEBs with dune-like bedforms seen in proximal areas of confined basins?
- How does the composition of the genetically related turbidites and HEBs change downstream?
- How do intrinsic (e.g., local seafloor anomalies) and extrinsic (e.g., tectonics) factors control the stratigraphic distribution of HEBs?
These questions will be met by applying field studies of the Peïra Cava Basin, subsurface studies of a confined basin fill in the Gulf of Mexico and petrographic analysis of samples collected. Finally, the data collected in this project will be collected and stored in the Deep Marine Architectural Knowledge Store (DMAKS) database, allowing comparison with deep marine siliciclastic systems worldwide.
- Sept 2018-2022: MESci (Hons) Geology @ University of Liverpool
Research groups and institutes
- Institute of Applied Geoscience
- Sedimentology