Kayuh Baimbai: Co-Designing a Diffability-Inclusive Disaster Preparedness Toolkit in South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan, Indonesia is vulnerable to two key disasters: flooding and fire.

People with diffability (PWD) are among the most vulnerable to these disasters, suffering higher rates of morbidity and mortality and least able to access support.

Kayuh Baimbai aims to

  • increase PWD awareness about risks and hazards in their area to support their readiness and recovery from disasters
  • build support networks with the wider public who will better understand how best to support PWD
  • increase the capacity of the City Government and emergency responders to co-design and deliver Diffability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) actions in collaboration with PWD.
  • In partnership with the Banjarmasin Chapter of Indonesia Disabled People's Association (PPDI) and Indonesia Disabled Women’s Association (HWDI), we will bring together PWD, the City Government, and disaster and emergency responders (the National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure, the fire brigade, and local responders at sub-district levels) to co-design a toolkit to prepare PWD for different disasters and strengthen the awareness of DRR stakeholders and wider publics on how best to support PWD.

This toolkit will be disseminated by a team of 15 Disability Liaison Officers who will form a sustainable mechanism for embedding diffability inclusion within DRR processes.

Partners and collaborators

  • Indonesia Disabled People's Association Banjarmasin Chapter(Perkumpulan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia/PPDI kota Banjarmasin)
  • Indonesia Disabled Women’s Association, Banjarmasin Chapter ( Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia/HWDI Kota Banjarmasin).


Kayuh Baimbai will raise awareness about PWD across the city, changing attitudes and behaviour towards PWD and creating sustainable opportunities for PWD to be heard and involved in decision-making about their own needs.

It will provide new mechanisms for the City Government to fulfil their national and international legal commitments regarding diffability inclusion in DRR processes, leading to changes in DRR policy and practice to significantly reduce risks to PWD in Banjarmasin.

Working with local communities and policymakers we aimed to extend and embed impacts to further support Government efforts to create a Diffability Inclusive City.

Increased knowledge about PWD among emergency responders (individually and institutionally) will lead to changes in attitudes and approaches to supporting DRR for PWD.

This will directly improve the disaster preparedness of PWD across Banjarmasin, provide new mechanisms for disability inclusion in DRR processes, and link socially isolated PWD with each other, with support organisations, and the Government and emergency responders.

At the community level, among PWD communities, improved practicable knowledge of DRR will strengthen their capacities to assess and anticipate risks and hazards around them, as well as what to do in the event of different types of disaster, reducing risks of morbidity and mortality, as well improving their capacity to sustainably recover from disasters, building their confidence and reducing anxiety.

Publications and outputs


Video on Disability-Inclusive Disaster Preparedness, Disability-Inclusive Disaster Preparedness Toolkit (forthcoming- to be launched March 2024).

Media coverage

  1. https://radarbanjarmasin.jawapos.com/ragam-info/24/08/2023/gelar-workshop-penanggulangan-bencana-untuk-disabilitas/
  2. https://www.sonora.id/read/423875081/university-of-leeds-inggris-gandeng-ppdi-hwdi-buat-panduan-penyelamatan-bencana
  3. https://www.rri.go.id/banjarmasin/daerah/335818/belasan-difabel-banjarmasin-minta-upaya-penyelamatan-dari-bencana
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3VX23eCcSI

14 December 2023


Project website
