Research projects

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Current projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Digital Twinning Research Hub for Decarbonising Transport EPSRC 1 July 2024 30 June 2029
The Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET) NERC 1 April 2002 31 March 2029
Antheia: Multi-decadal monitoring of open water cover on northern peatlands NERC 17 February 2025 16 August 2028
INFUZE (Inspiring Futures for Zero Carbon Mobility) EPSRC 1 August 2024 1 August 2028
Examining the biological mechanisms that underlie the drive to eat in humans UK Research and Innovation 1 June 2024 31 May 2028
Enhancing Novice Drivers' Safety: Innovative Training to Improve Hazard Anticipation Skills 1 June 2024 30 May 2027
iSPARK: innovation in sustainability, policy, adaptation and resilience in Kenya 1 January 2024 31 December 2026
UK SWAIS 2C NERC 1 January 2024 31 December 2026
Gender, Generation and Climate Change (GENERATE): Creative Approaches to Building Inclusive and Climate-Resilient Cities in Uganda and Indonesia UK Research and Innovation 1 May 2019 14 November 2026
Breaking the plate – intraslab earthquakes Royal Society 8 November 2023 8 November 2026
Analytics for Demand Responsive Online Intelligent Transport (ADROIT) EPSRC 4 September 2023 3 September 2026
Sink or swim – threats to earthworm diversity due to flooding Leverhulme Trust 1 September 2024 31 August 2026
Food Systems Transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FoSTA Health), EU European Union - DG Environment 1 October 2020 31 March 2026
Improving Soil Health and Water Quality through increased farmer awareness and adoption of best management practices 1 June 2022 30 March 2026
Towards an economy for sustainable well-being: Integrated policies and transformative indicators (ToBe) 1 March 2023 28 February 2026
Food in Primary Schools – studying children’s real-world food choice and dietary behaviour (FiPS study) 8 February 2024 7 February 2026
Green AWARE: Greenspace Access, Wellbeing, and Resident Equality ESRC 1 June 2024 31 January 2026
Increasing UK Dietary Fibre - The Case for the Great White British Loaf BBSRC/NERC, Molecules to Landscapes 1 October 2022 31 October 2025
Integrated Analysis of Social Media and Hedonic House Prices for Neighbourhood Change (INTEGRATE) ESRC 1 October 2024 1 October 2025
MOAP NG-ARCH 1 April 2024 30 September 2025
Productive & Inclusive Net Zero (PRINZ) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 July 2022 26 June 2025
Traffic safety culture to improve road safety in West Yorkshire UK Research and Innovation 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
AerosoL heterogeneous Processing as a source of oxidants in Cold winter Atmospheres: application to Alaska and UK (ALPACA-UK) NERC 1 April 2022 31 March 2025
Community-based monitoring of emission reductions from sustainable management of Amazonian peatlands to support Peru's Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement 1 March 2024 31 March 2025
Hydrological cycle responses to land use change and climate change over Brazil 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
Bottom-up controls on ocean chemistry Leverhulme Trust 1 October 2023 31 March 2025
ARCWISE: Arctic Resilience, Climate Adaptation, and Indigenous Wisdom for Sustainable Ecosystems NERC 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
Healthy and environmentally sustainable foods for infants and young children: taking a close look at commercial babyfoods and listening to families 1 June 2024 28 February 2025
Creating a low carbon, environmentally sustainable and socially just value chain for rare earth magnets Innovate UK 1 March 2024 28 February 2025
RecaP: Capture, recycling and societal management of phosphorus in the environment EU Marie Curie 1 March 2021 28 February 2025
Compositional analysis of Southern high latitude ice-nucleating particles NERC 22 July 2024 17 January 2025
JOSTICE Natural and societal consequences of climate-forced changes of Jostedalsbreen Ice Cap 1 January 2020 31 December 2024
Building Systemic Resilience against Climate Variability and Extremes (ClimBeR) 20 September 2021 31 December 2024
Health Inequalities in the Food System; Fibre intake in Adolescents 3 July 2023 31 December 2024

Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Barriers to more and better translocations 4 March 2024 1 September 2024
4D Earth Swarm European Space Agency 1 September 2019 31 August 2024
Evaluation of the Ministry of Food Schools programme on cooking confidence, food literacy and dietary behaviour 1 July 2023 31 August 2024
Can Antarctic dust and biology be aerosolised and affect the region’s clouds and climate? NERC 8 July 2024 16 August 2024
E-Drone EPSRC 1 January 2021 30 June 2024
Acousto-optic cell for off-line SAXS instrument 4 May 2022 3 May 2024
Kayuh Baimbai: Co-Designing a Diffability-Inclusive Disaster Preparedness Toolkit in South Kalimantan, Indonesia Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 July 2023 31 March 2024
Adaptation to Imperfect Steering Assistant (AISA) 1 March 2023 31 December 2023
A microfluidic device for quantification of atmospheric ice-nucleating particles (FluidIce) NERC 1 November 2022 31 October 2023
Contrasting the ice-nucleating activity of Northern and Southern high latitude dusts NERC 3 July 2023 27 September 2023
Does dust from Antarctica make ice in clouds and influence global climate? NERC 12 July 2023 22 August 2023
Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award: Controls on the preservation of organic carbon in the marine environment Royal Society Research Merit Award 1 August 2018 1 July 2023
MODALES - Modify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2019 31 August 2022
Analysis of ice-nucleating particles and their biological content in the eastern Mediterranean using microfluidic devices 12 June 2017 11 June 2019
Sustainable gas pathways for Brazil; from microcosm to macrocosm NERC 1 May 2016 30 April 2019
Using Minecraft to teach microanalytical chemistry to school students 4 April 2016 1 July 2016
Quantifying and understanding tropical peatland spatial distribution and carbon storage in Central Africa Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) 1 October 2011 31 December 2015
TRANSAS: COVID-19 Transport, Travel and Social Adaptation Study UK Research and Innovation May 2020 July 2023