Enhancing Capacity for Equity and Resilience in Tanzania

Background: Research on ‘climate compatible development’ undertaken at Leeds during Phases 2 and 3 of the CCCEP, and since (in GCRF-AFRICAP and FOSTA-Health projects) have informed the design of a 3 year USAID funded programme led by the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) to promote livelihoods that are more resilient to climate change in Tanzania.

Aim: This project funded as part of CCCEP Legacy aims to deepen the integration of research findings in climate resilient development practice through direct engagement with actors designing and implementing programme activities in the East Usambara mountain landscape, Tanga region, Tanzania. 

Activities: TFCG and University of Leeds teams co-developed project activities which focused on participatory dialogue and training informed by the research outcomes with key actors operating within the Amani-Nilo landscape. Focus was given to strengthening climate change resilience through the design and implementation of inclusive and empowering participatory processes, deeper engagement with local livelihood aspirations, and critical reflection on women’s empowerment, expansion of spice cultivation and the role and sustainability of groups and cooperatives.

The envisaged outcomes of the project are:
1) Capacities of NGOs and development partners, local government extension officers, community-based trainers and villagers strengthened to apply and evaluate approaches to climate resilient development and achievement of inclusive and equitable benefits from such programmes.
2) More inclusive and equitable distribution of project benefits among the most vulnerable to climate change in Tanga region.




Publications and outputs

- Research into Practice Workshop Report
- Briefing note series – 5 briefing notes (published in English and Swahili)
1. Climate Resilience
2. Livelihood Aspirations
3. Women’s Empowerment
4. Groups and Cooperatives
5. Participatory Research



