Royal Meteorological Society talk: Weird Water Waves: Meteorological Tsunamis
- Date: Thursday 25 January 2018
- Location: Earth and Environment
- Type: Yorkshire Local Centre of the Royal Meteorological Society, Seminars, Earth and Environment
- Cost: Free
Speaker: David Williams, PhD Student, National Oceanography Centre, University of Liverpool.
A meteotsunami is a wave that behaves just like an earthquake-generated tsunami, but is created by the atmosphere. Normally, less than a metre high, and unnoticeable, but, they can get as big as a double decker bus, destroying boats and seriously injuring or killing people.
In this talk, David will focus on how meteotsunamis have affected the UK and Western Europe in the past, how much we currently understand them, and the hurdles we must overcome to predict them in the future.
About the Royal Meteorological Society Yorkshire Centre.
The Yorkshire Centre is one of several local centres around the UK that organise regular meetings for those interested in all aspects of meteorology. Speakers present talks on a variety of topics and the meetings provide an opportunity to meet other members socially.
Unless stated otherwise, all meetings are held in the Level 8 Seminar Room, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. The talks are free and open to members and non-members alike.
The Yorkshire Local Centre Committee 2018-2019
Chair - Dorian Speakman
Secretary - John Goulding
Treasurer - Lindsay Bennett
Publicity team - Kamalika Sengupta, Beth Woodhams and Ben Pickering
Committee Officers - David Cherry, Clive Mills-Hicks, Victoria Smith and Jim McQuaid
Follow us on social media
For regular updates about the meetings visit our facebook page: Royal Meteorological Society - Yorkshire Local Centre or twitter account: RMetSoc_Yorkshire.
If you have any questions or suggestions of topics you would like included in our program, please send us an email to