ava(TM) raising the bar for fluvial reservoir modelling

Petrotechnical Data Systems announces exclusive licencing agreement with the Fluvial Research Group at the University of Leeds for FAKTS.
The Fluvial Research Group at the University of Leeds has formed a partnership with Petrotechnical Data Systems, a leading provider of petrotechnical software solutions to the petroleum industry, to bring to market reservoir modelling technology that utilises the unique capabilities of the Fluvial Architecture Knowledge Transfer System (FAKTS) - a database enabling quantitative comparisons between many aspects of fluvial systems and their preserved sedimentary deposits - to ensure realistic geological architectures are correctly represented in geological models.
"Innovation will be at the heart of the Industry's recovery, which is why PDS is so excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with the University of Leeds. This partnership combines PDS' experience of delivering differentiating reservoir modelling software to Industry Leaders, with world class academic insight from the Fluvial Research Group." - Steve Daum, Managing Director of the PDS Group.
Dr Nigel Mountney, Director of the Fluvial and Eolian Research Group added "This new collaborative partnership with PDS provides an ideal opportunity to integrate our innovative database-driven approach to the qualitative modelling of complex geological successions with PDS' long-established technical expertise in the development of petrotechnical solutions for the petroleum industry."
PDS and the FRG team plan to release ava™, a cloud-hosted service for use with standard industry software, including Petrel later this year. You can subscribe for updates: info_ava(at)pds.world