Record attendance at BCUR

Eight students from the School of Earth and Environment formed part of the 34 strong delegation from the University of Leeds that attended this year’s British Conference of Undergraduate Research.

This year the conference was held at Manchester Metropolitan University, Business School.  Around 400 students attended from across the globe, with participants presenting their research as either a poster or oral presentation. 

This multi-disciplinary conference gives the students the opportunity to present their research in a professional, academic setting.  For many it was the first time they had talked about their research to an external audience and they all found it a really rewarding experience.  

Financial support was provided through the generous donation of alumni in the form of a Footsteps Fund Award.  The BCUR Footsteps Fund Project is a cross university event whose aim is to raise the profile of the conference across campus and encourage participation from all faculties.  A preview event is held which gives the students the opportunity to ‘practice’ before the main event.  This year the Preview Event was held in Chemistry.

Student delegates from the School of Earth and Environment were:

Ed Snell Opportunities and Challenges
of Sustainability Practices for
Craft Breweries in the UK
Fiona Pye Investigating the palaeoecology
of Jurassic brachiopods from
the Swiss Alps: did they live at
methane seeps?


Jessica Williamson Determining the southern
boundary and structure of the
Hikurangi Plateau beneath New
Levina Wirjowerdojo Gravity changes at White
Island Volcano, New Zealand
Louisa Mamalis Examining the impact of human
disturbance on bird populations
using mangrove forests on
Mafia Island, Tanzania
Michael Billam Factors effecting the
propagation of the sea breeze
in South West England and 
South Wales
Sam Brahney

Significant empirical relationship
between atmospheric ozone
pollution and honey bee colony
decline in the United States

Sam Greenwood Testing the speed of the last
geomagnetic reversal


For more information about BCUR contact Katie Livesey on k.livesey(at) or visit