Thiago Falcão
- Email: eetdcf@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Impact of faults in clay-rich carbonate reservoirs
- Supervisor: Professor Quentin Fisher, Samuel Allshorn
Born in Rio de Janeiro (1985). Graduated in Geology (BSc) by State University of Rio de Janeiro (2008) studied the “Brittle tectonic evolving of Serra do Mar range between Xerém and Petrópolis, RJ” supervised by professor Cláudio Valeriano. In the same year got a position as Geologist in PETROBRAS (Brazilian Oil Company), in 2009 was designated to the Structural Geology team at Research Centre of Petrobras.
In 2013 I got a master’s degree (MSc.) in Petroleum Geoscience with emphasis on Structural Geology from Royal Holloway University of London presenting the dissertation "Analysis of fracture network in the lower Jurassic layered rocks of the Bristol Channel, UK: implications for carbonate and oil shale reservoirs”. Returned to CENPES in 2013 where I provided support to exploration and reservoirs teams in structural geology issues such as Structural analysis, Geomechanics, numerical modelling and quantification in structural geology until 2021, when I started my PhD project with Professor Quentin Fisher at University of Leeds.
Research interests
Main research focus has been studies of deformation process in the upper crust and its relationship with fluids dynamics in rock media applied to oil and gas production, gas storage, hydrogeology and Geothermal energy.
- BSc. in geology - State University of Rio de Janeiro (2008)
- MSc. in Petroleum Geoscience - Royal Holloway University of London (2013)
- Specialization, BI Master - AI System applied to Business - PUC RJ (2021)
Research groups and institutes
- Institute of Applied Geoscience