
Results 226 to 230 of 265 in School of Geography

A photograph of four wedding cake figures.

Discrimination against same-sex couples denied religious marriage is endemic, says a new study.

Prayer flags in the Himalayas

Climate change scientists are heading to the Himalayas in a bid to become the first to successfully drill through the world's highest glacier.

Image of drylands

By using very high resolution satellite imagery available through the Google Earth platform, they found an additional 467 million hectacres of forest in the world's drylands.

Otley under water during the Boxing Day floods in 2015

Natural measures to manage river flooding can play a valuable role in flood prevention, but a lack of monitoring means their true potential remains unclear, researchers say.

Carbon emissions across all nine Amazon nations have been fully matches by carbon absorption by mature Amazon forests since the 1980s, new research shows.